Configure our environment with UiPath Cloud Automation.
In this article we will learn how we can configure our environment with UiPath Cloud Automation. By the end of this video you should be able to Create a Tenant, Create a Modern Folder in UiPath Orchestrator and Assign a User to the same and then configuring the robot and connecting your local machine to Cloud Orchestrator.
So let’s start.
First Login to

The menu on the left hand side is the overall menu and you can access specific modules from here. Then Below is your Default Tenant and Link to Your Orchestrator.
Below that are the details of Licenses that are available to us in the Community version of Orchestrator.
To Configure Tenant You can click on this Manage Link, and by clicking this menu you can choose to edit and if you want you can edit the name of the tenant and also select the services you want to assign on this tenant.

You can update the tenant name as you need and Select all the services for this tenant and click on the save to save the changes.

Now to navigate to orchestrator click on the orchestrator link On services column.
The First thing we need to do is to create a Modern Folder so that we can add robots and users to this folder.
To create a New Modern Folder click on Tenant1 and then click Folders2 Tab now click on New Folder3 icon and provide a Name to Folder. if you want you can provide a description here as well, and click on the Create Button to Create a Folder.

The Folder is now created and the default user is already added to this folder. Now to add robots edit this folder and navigate to the Robot Setup enable the unattended Robot, and click on Update. That’s It.
Now Launch UiPath Assistant and go the the Preference, Provide your Uipath URL and click on the SignIn Button and you will be signed in to the Assistant anc you can check here the robot is connected and Licensed.
Now You can Launch UiPath Studio and create a New Process and check here the UiPAth is now Connected and Licensed, and you can see both the folders that we have in Orchestrator.
Hope You liked this article and it helped you. See you in the next post. Till then Code with Confidence .
Below is the Video Tutorial for this